Bangla Dictionary Offline

- Offline mode added.
- Synonyms Added.
- Pronunciation of meaning added.
- Improved layout, much slicker now.
- You can switch between online and offline mode.
- Dictionary is smart enough to detect if you have no internet connectivity and it makes offline mode default.
- More optimization for tablets and phablets.
- Various bug fixes and enhancements.

100% Free English to Bangla (Bengali) dictionary. It has embedded Bangla font which doesn't require any additional Bangla feature on your device. Its just smooth and pain-less. The vocabulary is constantly being updated.
For Bangla Font for Android please visit:
(It's not related to this dictionary, you can use this app without installing anything else)
Works fine with most devices, some Android devices with less or no complex script(most of these are called Jukto Borno in Bangla) support may show some Bangla words (with Jukto Borno) broken. Devices with complex script support show everything perfectly.
What's New
Offline mode added.
Synonyms Added.
Pronunciation of meaning added.
Improved layout, much slicker now.
You can switch between online and offline mode.
Dictionary is smart enough to detect if you have no internet connectivity and it makes offline mode default.
More optimization for tablets and phablets.
Various bug fixes and enhancements.